
Are they chopsticks in your pocket are you just happy sashimi?


The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally passed her a glue stick. She still isn’t talking to me.


Arriving to meet a blind date:
Her: OMG! You actually wore pyjamas on a first date?
Me: Hang on a minute, you’re not blind!!


I asked my wife “What do you want me to do with this big roll of bubble wrap?”
She said “Just pop it in the corner”.
It took me 4 hours.


Good news for all you narcoleptics. Only 300 sleeps till Christmas!


I said to a mate, “What’s your pet hate?”
He said, “He doesn’t like it when the vet puts a thermometer up his butt”.


Psychologist: Can you describe yourself in two words?
Me: Lazy.


My wife said “Black really is slimming on you, you’ve never looked sexier”.
I said “Turn the light back on”.


I was having a dip at the swimming pool when the lifeguard asked, “What have you got there?” I said “Tzatziki”.


I spent all day yesterday floating out in the bay.
It’s been my dream ever since I was a little buoy.


Dad: Did you hear about the Orca at Sea World?
Son: Nope.
Dad: You didn’t? Oh whale.


Did you know that one of the Knights of the Round Table collected taxes?
His name was Sir Charge


Why did the grandma put wheels on her rocking chair? She liked to rock and roll


This next song is about subtraction
“Take it away boys!”

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