
Is google a woman? Because it won’t let you finish your sentence without coming up with other suggestions.


My son wanted to know what it’s like to be married. I told him to leave me alone and when he did I asked him why he was ignoring me.


What do you call a belt with a watch on it?
A waist of time


A handicapped guy stole my wallet.
He can hide but he can’t run


I used to work in a shoe recycling shop. It was sole destroying


How did the hipster burn his tongue?
He drank his coffee before it was cool


I heard there was a new store called Moderation. They have everything there


Even when I’m really tired I refuse to take naps during the day. My wife says I’m resisting a rest.


What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?
One’s really heavy and the other is a little lighter


I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off


What’s the internal temperature of a Tauntaun?
Luke warm


“Whenever we drive past a graveyard my dad says, ‘Do you know why I can’t be buried there?’ And we all say, ‘Why not?’ And he says, ‘Because I’m not dead yet!’”

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