
I’ve decided to sell my Hoover … well, it was just collecting dust


What do you call a man with no arms or legs hanging on the wall?


I haven’t slept for three days, because that would be too long.


The Energizer bunny ended up in jail.
He was charged with battery


What is the first thing Santa’s elves have to learn?
The Elfabet


So this bloke just came up to me & said i’ve just spilt my scrabble set on the road. I asked “Whats the word on the street?”


I have a stepladder. Because my real ladder left when I was a kid


I used to be in a band, we were called ‘lost dog’. You probably saw our posters.


A guy walks into a bar and orders a fruit punch.
Bartender says “Pal, if you want a punch you’ll have to stand in line”. The guy looks around, but there is no punch line.


One of my mates is selling his budgie.
Unfortunately it’s not going cheap


I got a sext from a redhead: “I’m all alone. Come over. Bring protection.” I took SPF50.


I have a fear of speed bumps. Im slowly getting over it


When my wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo I had to put my foot down

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