
I’ve been reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down


What do you call a midget psychic who just escaped from prison? A small medium at large


If iron man and the silver surfer team up, they’ll be alloys


I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn’t find any.


You know you’re ugly when it comes to a group picture and they hand you the camera.


A termite walks into a bar and says “where’s the bar tender”


Why are teddy bears never hungry?
Because they’re stuffed


Why shouldn’t you make fun of a paleontologist? Because you will get Jurasskicked.


I’m the kind of guy who stops the microwave at 1 second just to feel like a bomb defuser.


My cousin drowned. At his funeral we laid a life jacket on his coffin.
It’s what he would have wanted.


Why did Santa’s helper get depressed?
He had low elf esteem


I once thanked a French guy to death. It was a merci killing.


What do you call a man with no arms and no legs lying in your fireplace?


I saw a bishop the other day. Wondered why he wasn’t walking diagonally


What’s Michael Jackson’s favourite painting?
Sha-Mona Lisa

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