
What do you call an artist with a brown finger? Picassole


I was having a dip at the swimming pool when the lifeguard asked, “What have you got there?” I said “Tzatziki”.


My friend has got a butler who only has one arm.
Serves him right.


I’d tell you a joke about crops, but it’s a bit corny.


I knew a guy who collected candy canes, they were all in mint condition.


To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


Me: Go to sleep before the monsters get you.
Daughter: Monsters aren’t real.
Me: You sound like your sister.
Daughter: Sister?
Me: I’ve said too much already…


Did you know that Snoop Dogg’s sister is a stripper?
She wears nothing but a g-string baby


My cats gonna sh** when he sees his new litter box I got him for Christmas.


What do you call a woman with a toothpick up her butt?


I’m not saying your perfume is too strong. I’m just saying the canary was alive before you got here.


Why was the thermometer smarter than the graduated cylinder?
He had more degrees


My wife’s mad because I paid for my dope out of our joint account. I thought that was why we had it.


A giraffe walks into a bar. “Sorry”, said the barman, “We don’t serve Heineken here.”


I couldn’t get in to the library last night.
It was over booked.

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