What do you call a woman standing in the middle of a tennis court?
What do you call a woman standing in the middle of a tennis court?
I wonder how many chameleons snuck onto Noah’s Ark
When life gives you melons, you’re probably dyslexic.
Women sometimes make fools of men, but most guys are the do-it-yourself type.
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
What is the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs.
My wife and I always compromise. I admit I’m wrong and she agrees with me.
And the best neckwear award goes to…
Oh wait. It’s a tie.
Nobody’s perfect. I’m a nobody.
Did you know I was bilingual? Yeah I speak English and profanity
There are plenty of fish in the sea but until you catch one you’re just stuck here holding your rod…
Somebody ripped a whole bunch of pages out of my dictionary. It just goes from bad to worse
A hole was found in the wall of a nudist camp. The police are looking into it.
Currently the flower business is blooming.
They should make a Minecraft movie, it would be a blockbuster!
Cinderella got kicked off the basketball team because she ran away from the ball
What did the blanket say as it fell of the bed?
Oh sheet
My wife isn’t talking to me because apparently I ruined her birthday.
I’m not sure how I did that – I didn’t even know it was her birthday
The seven dwarfs were in the bath feeling happy so he got out.
I’m so introverted I won’t even talk to myself.