
How does the solar system hold up its trousers? With an asteroid belt


It’s Jamaican hair style day at work tomorrow. I’m already dreading it.


Why do Swedish warships have barcodes on them? So when they dock they can Scandinavian.


Psychologist: Can you describe yourself in two words?
Me: Lazy.


What do you call a woman with a toothpick up her butt?


What’s the definition of a will? (It’s a dead giveaway)


An English man, an Irish man and an Italian walk into a bar. The bartender says “is this a joke?”


Did you hear about the short-sighted circumciser?
He got the sack


Why did the grandma put wheels on her rocking chair? She liked to rock and roll


Tennis players grunt too much when they play.
There’s no need for all that racquet


When my wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo I had to put my foot down


I asked my wife “What do you want me to do with this big roll of bubble wrap?”
She said “Just pop it in the corner”.
It took me 4 hours.


What’s the difference between a golfer and a skydiver? A golfer goes *whack* “damn” and a skydiver goes “damn” *whack*


My son wanted to know what it’s like to be married. I told him to leave me alone and when he did I asked him why he was ignoring me.


For a short while, my uncle was a world famous chainsaw juggler. But not for being good at it. I miss uncle Stump.


I used to be a lifeguard, but this blue kid got me fired.

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