
I’m going on a blind date tonight. I hope our Labradors get on.


If a blind woman tells you your penis is big, she’s probably just pulling your leg


“No, thanks. I’m a vegetarian.” is a fun thing to say when someone hands you their baby.


Queue is just Q followed by four silent letters waiting their turn


People who sometimes use the wrong words should have the humidity to admit it.


Doing things that you are not supposed to do at work makes your vision, hearing and alertness much better.


For a period, Houdini used a trap door in every single show he did…I guess you could say it was a stage he was going through


My dad used to say “Always fight fire with fire.” Probably explains why he was thrown out of the fire brigade


What does it take to make an octopus laugh?
Ten tickles


I threw an Asian man down a flight of stairs. It was Wong on so many levels.


If we get rid of all the margarine the world will be a butter place.


I had an argument with one of the seven dwarfs. He wasn’t happy


Doctor, I feel like a wigwam and a teepee. Trouble is, you’re too tense.


I was hooked on auctions after only going once… going twice.


Our vet is great. If you take your dog in and you have pet insurance, they give you a courtesy dog for the day.


I’m not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change.


I swear to drunk I’m not god but seriously, stay in drugs, eat school and don’t do vegetables

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