
Deja Moo – the feeling that you’ve heard this bull before


My son wanted to know what it’s like to be married. I told him to leave me alone and when he did I asked him why he was ignoring me.


An English man, an Irish man and an Italian walk into a bar. The bartender says “is this a joke?”


Yo mamma is so fat that when she sat on a laptop, the hardware turned into software!


I’ve just finished reading a book called “How To Give Constructive Criticism.”
It was rubbish.


My wife broke up with me because of my gambling. All I can think of is how to win her back.


Can’t believe they fired me from the clock factory after all the extra hours I put in


Claustrophobic people are more productive thinking out of the box.


My jokes are still in alpha

Hopefully soon they’ll get beta


What do you call a wolf that knows whatโ€™s going on?


Why was the thermometer smarter than the graduated cylinder?
He had more degrees


My wife asked me to bring home stuff for the pancakes. She wasn’t happy when I arrived with a push-up bra.


I just deleted all the German names off my phone. Itโ€™s Hans free


My girlfriend and I often laugh about how competitive we are. But I laugh more.


No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.


I remember last summer I was so excited when the water restrictions were lifted I wet my plants.


A Spanish magician wanted to do a trick. He covered himself with a blanket and counted “Uno… dos…” and he vanished without a tres


What do you call a cow that just gave birth?


A termite walks into a bar and says “where’s the bar tender”

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